Original Preface to the books from the Badminton Library
A few lines only are necessary to explain the object with which these volumes are put forth.
There is nomodern encyclopaedia to which the inexperienced man, who seeks guidance in
the practice of the various British Sports and Pastimes, can turn for information. Some
books there are on Hunting, some on Racing, some on Lawn Tennis, some on Fishing, and so on; but
one Library, or succession of volumes, which treats of the sports and Pastimes indulged in by
Englishmen —and women— is wanting. The Badminton Library is offered supply the want. Of the
imperfections which must be found in the execution of such a design we are conscious. Experts often
differ. But this we may say, that those who are seeking for knowledge on any of the subjects dealt
with will find the results of many years' experience written by men who are in every case adepts at
the Sport or Pastime of which they write. It is to point the way to success to those who are ignorant
ofthe sciences they aspire to master, and who have no friend to help or coach them, that these
volumes are written.
To those who have worked hard to place simply and clearly before the reader that which he will find
within, the best thanks of the Editor are due. That it has been no slight labour to supervise all that
has been written, he must acknowledge; but it has been a labour of love, and very much lightened by
the courtesy of the Publisher, by the unflinching, indefatigable assistance of the Sub-Editor, and by
the intelligent and able arrangement of each subject by the various writers, who are so thoroughly
masters of the subjects of which they treat. The reward we all hope to reap is that our work may
prove useful to this and future generations.